Advanced .NET Framework Programming Using VB.NET
Duration: 5 Days (Face-to-Face or Remote-Live), or 35 hours of coursework with personal facilitation over a four week span (On-Demand)
US Price: $2495 (Face-to-Face or Remote-Live), or $1495 (On-Demand)
Delivery Options: Attend face-to-face in the classroom, remote-live or via on-demand training
Registration: Click here to view upcoming schedules and register for face-to-face sessions, click here to register for live remote attendance sessions, or click here to register for on-demand training with a start date that is convenient for you.
This hands-on course examines how to utilize advanced features of VB.NET and the .NET Framework in order to build sophisticated, scalable, high-performing applications. The course includes coverage of features available in .NET 2.0 through .NET 4.5.
The course begins by reviewing .NET's Common Type System, and then examines nullable types, inferred types and dynamic data. Advanced object-oriented programming topics include auto-implemented properties, inheritance, abstract classes, sealed classes, and generics, as well as how to implement many of the .NET interfaces in order to take advantage of .NET functionality.
Students learn how to use synchronous and asynchronous delegates to call methods using late binding, as well as how to use delegates to define and fire custom events and manage callbacks. The course shows how to build multithreaded applications and synchronize access to shared resources, including the Thread and ThreadPool classes as well as .NET 4.0's Task class and the Parallel Task Library. Coverage of the .NET 4.5 Async and Await features is included.
Students learn how to work with data in .NET's collections, as well as how to create and use custom generic methods and collections. Database topics include how to use ADO.NET to manipulate data in databases and how advanced ADO.NET features provide support for transaction management, connection pooling, and the management of disconnected DataSets. Coverage includes how to work with XML documents and make XPath queries.
The course includes the use of LINQ to make queries of data, regardless of its location. Coverage includes using LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to DataSets and LINQ to XML, as well as how PLINQ can be used to make efficient queries on large sets of data located in memory.
Students learn about .NET's support for n-tiered application development, including encapsulating functionality in private and shared assemblies. Students also explore how to create and consume WCF services to build distributed systems.
The course includes coverage of attributes and reflection, and how to leverage attributes and reflection to design creative, robust solutions to common design problems.
Other topics include: overriding System.Object methods; boxing and unboxing issues; when to use the String vs. StringBuilder types; working with data in other cultures (internationalization); and pattern matching using regular expressions.
Comprehensive labs provide students with extensive experience coding with Visual Studio to practice with the topics presented throughout the course.
Visual Basic.NET programming experience.
Course Overview
Working with Types
Object-Oriented Programming
Working with Text
Collections and Generics
Working with Delegates
Managing Data with ADO.NET
Working with XML Data
Working with LINQ
Working with Threads
Working with the ThreadPool
Working with the Parallel Task Library
Working with Attributes
Using Reflection
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
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