Object Oriented Analysis & Design with UML
Duration: 4 Days (Face-to-Face or Remote-Live), or 28 hours of coursework with personal facilitation over a four week span (On-Demand)
US Price: $2095 (Face-to-Face or Remote-Live), or $1495 (On-Demand)
Delivery Options: Attend face-to-face in the classroom, remote-live or via on-demand training
Registration: Click here to view upcoming schedules and register for face-to-face sessions, click here to register for live remote attendance sessions, or click here to register for on-demand training with a start date that is convenient for you.
This course presents the key concepts and methodologies required to perform quality object-oriented software engineering, with particular attention to practical techniques such as use-case and CRC analysis, UML diagramming, and patterns. Students practice applying object oriented analysis during the course to improve software designs and to see how software objects can be altered to build software systems that are more robust and less expensive.
Students use several methods for analyzing software systems, finding and refining useful classes and relationships between objects. Care is taken not to focus on any one language so that all students can participate in the design exercises without relying on specific programming skills.
The course emphasizes the most practical analysis and design methods, including the application of use case analysis, CRC analysis, problem domain analysis, activity diagramming, interaction diagramming, and class diagramming. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is presented in detail and is used in the exercises and case studies. Practical aspects of project management and implementation are presented from the perspective of experienced object system designers.
Special emphasis is given to the use of object patterns in developing software systems. The students apply their skills in labs that are mini design sessions, during which the instructor helps the students identify and overcome common obstacles.
Knowledge of structured programming concepts.
Course Overview
The Object Paradigm
Managing and Participating
in the OOA&D Approach
Diagramming & Notational
Techniques Using the UML
Requirements and Analysis
Design Phase
Design Refinement
Project Management and Implementation
OO Languages and Tools
Advanced Design Concepts
Persistent Object and Database