The Mobile Landscape
- Devices Types
- Device Convergence
- Platform Comparison
- Three Types of Mobile Applications
- Native Mobile Applications
- Mobile Web Applications
- Hybrid Mobile Applications
- Mobile Web Development
- Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) Overview
- Building with Cordova
Technology Stack
- HTML5 Main Objectives
- Browser-Side Data Storage
- Declaring HTML5
- Detecting Support for HTML5
- The Document Object Model
- CSS Overview
- Class and ID Attribute Selectors
- Working with JavaScript
- Detecting a Feature with JavaScript
- Using JavaScript Libraries
- jQuery Mobile Tooling Support
jQuery Overview
- What Is jQuery?
- Benefits of Using a JavaScript Library
- How to Use jQuery
- DOM Ready Events
- The jQuery Function Object
- The jQuery Wrapper
- The jQuery Wrapper as an Array-Like Object
- innerHTML vs. html()
- jQuery Wrapper Chaining
- API Function Notation
- Handling DOM Ready Events
- Background: The Sizzle Selector Engine
- Selecting Elements by Attribute
- Pseudo-Selectors
- Selecting Elements Using Relationships
- Selecting Elements Using Filters
- Chaining Using end()
- Testing Elements
- Iterating Through Selected Elements Using each()
- JavaScript Methods
- JavaScript "this"
- Function Context
- The Function call() Method
Style Class Manipulation
- Specifying Style Properties
- Setting Style Properties
- Using addClass() and removeClass()
- Defining a Stylesheet
- Setting and Getting Dimensions
- Attributes
DOM Manipulation
- The $ Function Revisited
- Getters and Setters
- The text() Element Method
- Appending DOM Elements
- Removing DOM Elements
- DOM Performance
Introduction to Ajax
- What is Ajax?
- Creating the XMLHttpRequest Object
- The XMLHttpRequest Object Basics
- The Browser and the Server
- Ajax Requests and Responses
- Sending an Ajax Request With jQuery
- Data Types
- The data() Method
- Using serialize()
- Get vs. Post
- ajaxStart() and ajaxError()
- JSONP - JSON with Padding
- Same-Origin Policy
- The <script> Tag
- Best Practices
The jQuery Mobile Toolkit
- Overview of jQuery Mobile
- Downloading and Using jQuery Mobile
- The Anatomy of a Page
- Page Segments
- Theming
- Creating a List View
- Decorating List View Rows
- Implementing Master Detail Navigation Patterns
- Create a Tabbed View
jQuery Mobile Lists
- Overview of jQuery Mobile Lists
- Inset Lists
- Adding Links
- Numbered Lists
- Count Bubbles
- Formatting List Items
- Formatted List Source
- Filters
- Filtered List Source
jQuery Mobile Buttons
- jQuery Mobile Buttons
- Creating Buttons
- Button Appearance
- Enabling and Disabling
- Button Groups
- Horizontal Button Groups
- Inline Buttons
- Highlighting Preferred Choice
- Icons
- Alternate Icon Display
jQuery Mobile Forms
- jQuery Mobile Forms
- Form Enhancements
- Client-Side Validation
- The required Attribute
- Patterns
- Widgets
- Input Types
- Color
- Date
- Range
- Select
- Checkboxes
- Horizontal Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Datalists
- Submitting Forms
jQuery Mobile Themes
- Overview of the jQuery Mobile Theming System
- Working with Themes
- Theme Examples
- Using ThemeRoller
- Global Theme Settings
- Downloading Themes
- Contents of the Theme Zip File
- Theme Images
- Editing Your Themes
- Custom Transitions in jQuery Mobile
- Custom Transitions Using CSS
- Overview of the Geolocation API
- Functions and Options
- Success Function
- Error Function
- Using the watchPosition() Method
Apache Cordova (PhoneGap)
- Introduction to Apache Cordova
- The Cordova Model
- App Stores
- Packaging Cordova Apps
- Adobe PhoneGap Build
Device and Contacts Information APIs
- Cordova Device Info Object
- Device Info Permissions
- The cordova and uuid Properties
- The platform and version Properties
- The name Property
- Contacts Database API
- Contacts Database Helper Objects
- Supported Platforms
- Contacts API Permissions
- Contact Properties
- Creating a New Contact
- Saving a Contact
- Deleting (Removing) a Contact
- Finding Contact(s)
The Cordova File API
- Accessing the Mobile File System with Cordova
- File API Permissions
- The Cordova File API
- Accessing the Device File System
- The requestFileSystem() Method
- The File Object
- The FileEntry Object
- The DirectoryEntry Object
- The DirectoryReader Object
- The FileError Object
- Writing Files with the FileWriter Object
- Reading Files with the FileReader Object
The Accelerometer
- Overview of the Accelerometer
- Supported Platforms
- Accelerometer Precision
- Accelerometer Detection
- Accelerometer Permissions
- The Accelerometer API
- The Acceleration Object
- The getCurrentAcceleration() Method
- The watchAcceleration() Method
- The accelerometerSuccess Call-Back Function
- The clearWatch() Method
- Device Shake Tracking Application Code
The Camera
- Accessing the Camera with Cordova
- Camera Permissions
- The Cordova Camera API
- The Camera Object
- The getPicture() Method
- The cameraSuccess Call-Back Function
- The cameraError Call-Back Function
- Camera Options
- The cleanup() Method
Best Practices
- jQuery Mobile Benefits
- Progressive Enhancement
- Common UI Guidelines
- Platform-Specific UI Guidelines
- Cordova Business Layer Initialization
- Business Layer Best Practices
- Cordova Domain Whitelist Guide
- Background Tasks
- Cordova Background Task API